Master’s Touch Oil Paints Review & Gun Still Life


8×10 oil on canvas “J’s 1911”


I promise I will get to the review, but first, a new painting and the reason for the review.

This painting is a birthday present for my husband. I’ve never painted anything specifically for him before so I asked him if he was interested. He jumped at the idea and we came up with the idea to paint something he loves. While he appreciates my artwork, he isn’t super interested in food. He is really into guns though.

He was a big help in setting up the still life with me and brought in loads of gear from his police vehicle to use as props. Unfortunately, some pepper balls had broken on some of his stuff a few weeks earlier. As a result, we were both suffering minor effects of pepper spray the entire time. It was not a pleasant experience, but I took a ton of cool reference photos to work from for future projects. Some of them looked like they would be better as large paintings. I thought it would be less intimidating to start with a small one.


Even applied as thickly as possible, the blue mix is still very transparent and just not quite the color I was after. It also effected the green which was also funky and thin.


Actually painting this went really well aside from one snag. When I got to painting the blue of the flag, I had a really hard time making the paint I had work. A while back I had bought Ultra Blue by Master’s Touch to replace a Grumbacher Academy French Ultramarine that had run out. I apparently hadn’t really used the Ultra Blue until then and was very, very disappointed with it. It was an odd consistency, ultra-transparent, too light to being with, and mixes with it were funky.

I can assure you I’m not being dense. I realize Ultramarine Blue is a transparent color, but this was a whole other level of transparency like there was little to no pigment in the paint type of transparent. I have used a lot of transparent colors over the years including Ultramarine Blue, and this was something else. I had to mix a considerable amount of Prussian Blue and a touch of red into it to get it to a remotely useable state. It was still too thin and… weird. I was so annoyed with that blue that I put the whole painting on hold while I waited on a quality Ultramarine to arrive.



Master’s Touch Oil Paint Review


Master’s Touch is the Hobby Lobby brand of paints and art supplies. They seem to be student grade supplies although they aren’t explicitly labeled one way or another. I decided to give them a try a couple of years ago when I was just getting back into painting and started to run out of my old paints from college.


Grumbacher Pre-tested French Ultramarine Blue and Master’s Touch Ultra Blue. The difference in color is obvious.


Most of the colors I used were decent. They have decent tinting strength and good viscosity. However, the French Ultra is complete garbage. It doesn’t have any tinting strength at all, which means I have to use massive gobs of it to get even the slightest color change. The resulting mix is diluted, generally lacking, and essentially useless. Compared to the Grumbacher Pre-tested French Ultramarine, the color is all wrong too. Most notably, it is way too light (probably from too much filler).

As far as oil paint goes, Ultra Blue by Master’s Touch is by far the worst oil paint I’ve ever used. I suppose it could be a bad batch. But if that’s the case, then they have some very serious quality control issues. It’s also possible that this could be a different color. The color names aren’t exactly standard so I chose based on close approximations of the color names I was after. I thought Ultra Blue was short for Ultramarine Blue, but looking at color swatches, it might be close to Cobalt Blue in which case naming it Ultra Blue is misleading. Even if it is in fact supposed to be Cobalt Blue, the ridiculously weak tinting strength and ultra-transparency still make it nearly useless, which leads me back to quality control issues.


50/50 mix with Titanium White


I have no complaints with the other colors I’ve used, other than cheap labels that fall off. I’ve had good experiences with Permanent Rose, Prussian Blue, Carbon Black, and Titanium White. I have a few other colors that I don’t use much, and can’t give a definite opinion on. Although, since several of the colors were new to me, I wonder if an artist grade version of the same color would put them to shame.

While not entirely bad, my mixed experience with this brand of paints has been the final straw in deciding to make the switch to artist grade paints. I also think I’ve finally reached the point where the level of art I produce should be created with higher quality paints. Those tiny tubes seem to last forever anyway, so in the end the expense is still low.

As far as student grade oil paint goes, Master’s Touch is ok, but I don’t recommend it. I can just imagine the immense frustration a new painter would experience with this paint. If a person wasn’t sure of how good paint behaves, how could they know it’s the paint and not their skill behind their frustration. A lot of people struggle with color mixing to begin with. Why add to the difficulty with questionable paint?

If you’re set on student grade, go for a better brand. I’ve had some really good experiences with Grumbacher Academy oil paints and highly recommend them. When I looked, they were actually cheaper too. I’m still using a few colors I bought way back in 2005 and don’t have any complaints with them even directly compared and mixed with artist grade paints.

When I looked for reviews online, I didn’t find much on Master’s Touch oil paints. Anyone else out there used them? What did you think? Let me know in the comments.


*This review is of paints that I bought with my own money and this post has not been sponsored in any way.




16 responses to “Master’s Touch Oil Paints Review & Gun Still Life”

  1. Dana Avatar

    I enjoyed your painting process and review of Masters Touch oils. I found when in doubt, check the pigment ingredients on the label. They used to spell out the pigment, though, these days I’ve noticed they’ve started just listing the pigment number. Sometimes that helps figure out if it’s a pure pigment, or a mix (hue) before purchasing. However there is also the possibility that there is more filler in the cheaper paints, making them weaker strength. Sorry, I’m a total art materials geek. I enjoy your posts a lot! Happy paintings!

    1. Amber Avatar

      Good point on the pigment listing. It was PB29… ultramarine. I’m really assuming it was just a quality control issue since the other colors were fine and useable. The way this handled it was really as if it was more filler than anything. Thanks for reading!

    2. Glenn marshall Avatar
      Glenn marshall

      Don’t like the 200m tubes. Tubes are to hard and let air into tube causing lumps in paint.throwing half full tubes in garbage. No problems with the smaller tubes that are made of a different type of plastic. The plastic in smaller tube conform to the paint inside .like the paint PLEASE change the plastic in the large tubes!!

  2. Marick Avatar

    The wrinkles of the flag’s fabric are mesmerising! Fantastic!

    1. Amber Avatar

      Thank you! 🙂

  3. twogalsandabook Avatar

    I love your paintings! Happy New Year!

    1. Amber Avatar

      Thank you. Happy New Year to you too!

  4. Jason B Avatar
    Jason B

    As a fellow gun enthusiast as well as an oil painter, I agree with your assessment of Master’s Touch paint. But I just wanted to comment to say that the detail on that 1911 is remarkable. Even down to the grip safety, crescent moon trigger, and small picatinny rail. Astounding really.

    1. Amber Avatar

      Thank you! The gun is my husbands service weapon and he’s very into guns so I had to make sure to get it correct in every detail.

  5. Janie McConnell Avatar
    Janie McConnell

    I have painted a very long time and have used many brands. I bought a few tubes of Masters Touch noticing change in composite of tube and the paint had dried out within a few uses. The entire tube of white was completely hard after a month and was very careful in my storing. Never ever had this problem befire. Am done with them.

    1. Amber Avatar

      I’m sorry you had a bad experience with them. I try to steer people away as much as possible. It’s a shame they stopped selling other brands in their stores. I’ll certainly never waste my money on their paint again.

    2. Lynda Wadusky Avatar
      Lynda Wadusky

      Until now, Master’s Touch is all that I’ve been using. I am a beginning oil painter so I bought what was available here at Hobby Lobby. I am going to go with Windsor and Newton Artisan water mixable oil paints. I expect to get much better results and easier color mixing. For a beginner I think I’m doing okay but I’m ready to move forward with better paint. Amber, I too, will say that your flag picture is beautiful.

      1. Amber Avatar

        Definitely use what is available to you to start with. Once you start fighting your paint it’s a good idea to upgrade. Windsor and Newton is a good brand. Good luck on your painting journey! 🙂

  6. Scott Avatar

    Amber, where is Master’s Touch made, i.e., what country?

    1. Amber Avatar

      They’re made in China.

      1. Scott Avatar

        Thanks so much|!

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