Canyonlands Painting in Oil – Part 3


Thought I abandoned this one? Nope. I just took a little break from oils for the Inktober challenge. I feel like I’ve finally made some decent progress on this painting. I finally painted in the center part of the scene and then went ahead and repainted everything else while I was at it except for the tree. I will be repainting that later though. There is something off about the valley below that tilts it up too much and prevents it from appearing like it goes off into the distance, but the paint is too wet at the moment to mess with it too much. It would probably benefit me to study it for a while to figure it out too, so the delay works out just fine. The other area that needs work are the foreground rocks. I think they would benefit from more texture and sharper details to offset them from the middle and distance. I’m considering trying out some palette knife work to get some great texture, but I haven’t used it as a means to apply paint before so I’m hesitant.




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