Hello again! I know it has been quite a while since my last update, but I lost interest in blogging there for a while. With shit life things happening and being busy, I just didn’t want to write about it. However, I’m now trying to get back to weekly blog posts.
While I may have stopped blogging, I didn’t stop painting or working on growing my art career. I’ve been focusing my attention more on the marketing and business aspects of being a working artist. A lot of what I’ve been up to has revolved around in-person markets and getting to know my local artist community. While that has been a fun adventure, I feel like I need to shift back into more seriously growing my online presence. This involves a lot of marketing research and implementation of what I’m learning. It’s pretty horrible, and not what most artists have in mind when they imagine being a full-time artist.

I have lists and lists of to-do tasks, one of which is to get back into writing this blog, building a better online store, finally writing a newsletter, consistent Instagram posting, and diving into video content. The thing I’m struggling with most is social media marketing. I’ve never been very great at social media so it’s a big thing for me to drive in trying to do a successful business with it.
Now, let’s talk about painting. The painting at the top of this post was a really fun one to paint. I started it off loosely with a colorful underpainting in acrylic. Acrylic is a pretty new medium to me that I finally decided might be fun to use as an underpainting for my oil paintings. I picked up a set of Liquitex Basics primary colors to get me started and just had fun using color straight out of the tube. Once I finally moved on to the final painting, it went quickly and turned out pretty much exactly how I envisioned it.
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