Getting a new red spurred me to paint this painting. I really wanted to test out the new color before using it in the Fisher Towers painting. I didn’t see the sense in trying and potentially failing and adding more frustration on a painting I’m already frustrated with. I’m really glad I started fresh. Since I painted it so fast, I actually ended up achieving a looseness that I’ve been wanting and failing to see in my paintings.
Color mixing is a problem I’m sure every artist faces. Having no formal training in color theory, I’ve gotten where I am mainly by trial and error. For the most part I’ve been able to mix the color I’m after or at least settle on some close approximation. I try my hardest to get by with the paint I have because after years of using the same set of colors, I don’t have to think too hard about what to mix together to make my desired color.
I’ve been trying to mix a warm red using a cool red (alizarin crimson) for a while now and it has been driving me nuts! I finally broke down and bought the a dark warm red (permanent red) and now mixing the red dirt color I’m after is a breeze. It really helps to have the right colors in the tool box!
I’ve also taken some much needed advice to stop using black. I probably won’t abandon it completely, but I’m much happier with the results I’m getting from mixing dark purples for my shadows. I really appreciate all of the great advice I’ve gotten from my fellow blogging artists. Thank you.
Read more about this painting:
Part 1 – New Paint, New Painting
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